DIY NEW YEAR GIFTS: Easy and Affordable

Giving and receiving presents is a fantastic experience that makes all parties happy. Actually, we do not have to wait for special days or weeks to buy presents for each other. But now it has become a routine for us to wait for special days to buy presents. One of the most special days where everybody is having presents for each other these days is getting closer, New Year's Eve! We have wonderful ideas for everyone who is tired of attempting to choose presents for others and does not want to spend a lot of money.

DIY presents would be the perfect idea to avoid the shopping buzz of modern times and to offer special and exclusive presents that we make to our loved ones with our own hands. Do-it-yourself gifts are inexpensive, simple to make, and special presents to all of us. With the most economical DIY gift ideas, you can create stylish crafts and make your family members and friends happy by giving personalized gifts that you make with your hands.

Designing a Cookie Jar as a Gift

Your presents can be decorative, even though they are not functional. Some presents can be both decorative and practical. For example, the fancy gift jars that you made with glass jars will still be used in other people's homes.

You can decorate a glass jar with glitter, stickers, or ribbons on New Year's Eve, place tasty cookies you have just cooked in it, package it very well, and offer it as a present. After eating the cookies, the people will still use the jar. So, you will create a functional gift.

DIY Snow Globes

When it comes to New Year's presents, the first image to spring to mind is the snow globe. You can create this gift by yourself, which generates the impression of pine trees and snow in the jar. You can start by making a mini artificial tea tree and a Santa Claus, a white glitter, and an empty jar.

Place the tree and the Santa Claus figure onto the lid of the jar and spill the white glitter into the jar. After you close the lid and turn it over, your gift will be ready.

Christmas Tree on a Vase

One of the New Year presents that can be offered to a lover or a friend is an ornament. Decorating your home or office, this gift is still will be a reminder of you. You can start designing your gift by finding glue, watercolors, star-patterned stickers or cardboard, a mini bowl or vase, and a pinecone. Paint the top of the cones as green and, when the paint is wet, sprinkle the white glitter on it. At last, stick the cone to the bowl and put the stars on it, and stick them all together.

Handmade Pillows

You should try this gift if you want to give your lover a sweet and fun gift. First, you need to find a piece of fabric, cotton, needle, and thread. Then draw a broad cloud pattern on the fabric and cut it around. Create an eye and a mouth form with a black thread on one side of the pillow-shaped fabric. Then fold it in half and start to sew. When the sewing process is over, fill it with cotton or wool and stitch it fully. You can also make it a heart-shaped pillow if you want to.

Bear in mind, remembering your loved ones and sparing time for them is the most valuable gift. Rather than choosing expensive retail stores, consider DIY gifts to make a difference.

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